Sunday, November 15, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
Wake-Up with Wendel Teacher Tools!

I'm so excited! There's a brand new program for teachers to use in the classroom starring (drum roll!) ME! Yep, WENDEL WORDSWORTH will soon be the rage of PreK-2 students and teachers when they use the 38 skill sheets, more than 25 activities and 2 fun lesson guidelines, all part of a new
Did I mention the WENDEL sing-along song
and my story in narration?!
Anyhoo, click here for more information!
Okay, gotta finish my apple and take some books back to the library...
See ya soon!

-- Wendel Wordsworth
Monday, July 6, 2009
Wendel Learns School Bus Safety Rules!

Friday, June 19, 2009
Wendel Loves Freckleface Strawberry!

The National, virtual blog tour for actress, Julianne Moore's latest picture book, "Freckleface Strawberry and the Dodgeball Bully," is making a stop in Cynthia's Attic. Children's author, Mary Cunningh
am (Cynthia's Attic Series) is hosting Ms. Moore today, June 19, with interviews and information about Book Two in the delightful Freckleface series.

Monday, May 18, 2009
Wendel Visits School!

Wendel was an awesome worm today...I could not have been more proud!
We visited Dorsett Shoals Elementary in Douglas County, Ga, and hung with all the first and second graders there. Are they a bunch of smart kids, or what?!?!
Anyway, he's kind of tired right now but we just wanted to share a couple of pictures with you before we sneak a nap zzzzzzzzzzzzz

Monday, April 27, 2009
Wendel's Got...Glasses!

On my blog, you'll learn more and more about me, Wendel Wordsworth...Today, I'd like to explain why I wear eye glasses.
Basically, without them, I can't see anything!
What they do is help my eyes focus so that what I see is really clear. Everything used to be a big blurry blob! But I didn't know the difference because I had nothing to compare it to.
Then one day, I picked up a magnifying glass (just like this one) , and all of a sudden I could see individual leaves on a tree!
Excited, I told my parents, and they immediately took me to an eye doctor who fixed me right up with some fine glasses. They used some funny looking machine to test my eyes, but then I got to pick out the frames. I chose my favorite color -- red!
Have you ever been to the eye doctor?
Do you wear glasses?
If you don't, why don't you interview someone you know who does have glasses.
Ask them when they started wearing glasses.
And if they need them for reading or to see far away. There's a difference!
Well, that's it for today...Write me when you can!
Your friend,
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Wendel's Going Green!
No wait! I'm ALREADY green!
Anyhoo...I'm so happy to annouce that I'm making a special visit today at a blog where my friend Gus hangs out...
Cynthia's Attic is a "tween" blog and they're "greening up the Earth" all week long. And I was asked to share some thoughts today, Earth Day!
Please check out the blog...and leave a comment! Maybe you have an idea no one else has ever thought of!
Okay, ready? Just click here !
Your friend,

Cynthia's Attic is a "tween" blog and they're "greening up the Earth" all week long. And I was asked to share some thoughts today, Earth Day!
Please check out the blog...and leave a comment! Maybe you have an idea no one else has ever thought of!
Okay, ready? Just click here !
Your friend,
Friday, April 17, 2009
Wendel's First Reading!

The small town of Madison is blessed with two daring teachers who together developed a program for young students who need just a little encouragment when it comes to reading. A perfect job for Wendel Wordsworth!
The Language-Literacy Connection is a program dedicated to engaging students through fun and innovative ways. Monica Semrad and speech therapist

So, do you think we should include Big Buzz on this adventuer to Morgan County Primary School in Madison, GA, on Wednesday, May 6 from 11 a.m. to noon?
Well, of course we will! It wouldn't be the same without him....We'll read and do some fun activities and of course, sing the Wendel Wordsworth song!
Okay, so now we have to get our act together so we'll be invited back again!
Let's see, where are those coloring sheets? Oh, and be sure to check out Wendel on this special site for children's books! Just click here...
Friday, April 3, 2009
Road Trip?

It's a new day, Wendel!
And you might be going to meet some new students in Madison, GA!
More info soon!
Big Buzz,
Diana Black,
No Words for Wendel,
Wendel Wordsworth
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Words Make Me Happy, Too!

are planning lots of fun activities.
If you have something special you'd like
to see on the site, please email Wendel!
Just click right here...
Until next time!

early reader books,
teacher tools,
Wendel Wordsworth
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Wendel & Big Buzz had a terrific time in South Carolina at the Book Fest. Lots of girls and boys stopped by their table and looked at the new books. Some children bought the books to take home and read!
Thanks to all who dodged millions of rain drops to come out to the fest.
Signing off for now!
Bev Bruemmer Books,
Big Buzz,
Diana Black,
Wendel Wordsworth
Monday, February 16, 2009
Tick...tock, tick...tock...

Time seems to drag while Wendel & Big Buzz wait for their first book to come back from the printer. It's a little unnerving for them ... and me!
No Words for Wendel (the storybook & activity book) will debut at the South Carolina Book Fest the end of this month. And the "I'M A WENDEL READER" club!Pretty exciting, huh?
Okay, have to get back to working on the CD. It will have the Wendel Wordsworth sing-along song, the audio book and tons of activities!
Friday, January 16, 2009
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